Coronavirus Back to Work Planning

Working safely during the COVID-19 Pandemic has never been more important – Is your business ready to return?
The government is clear that workers should not be forced into an unsafe workplace
All businesses need to translate Government guidance into the specific actions in order to return to the workplace safely.
Every business will need to carry out an appropriate COVID-19 risk assessment, just as you would for other health and safety related hazards, to identify sensible measures to control the risk of COVID-19 transmission in the workplace.
For a nominal at-cost fee, Soteria (UK) Ltd can provide professional standardised documentation including a site specific risk assessment and safe operating procedures
We can also visit the workplace to advice and assist in implementing the best possible solutions for your business.
Call us now on 01925 626283 / 01925 626210
The Legal stuff:
All employers have a legal responsibility to protect workers and others from risk to their health and safety.
This means you need to think about the risks you face and do everything reasonably practicable to minimise them, recognising you cannot completely eliminate the risk of COVID-19.
Employers must make sure that the risk assessment for their business addresses the risks of COVID-19, identifying sensible measures to control the risks in their workplace.
Where the enforcing authority, such as the HSE or the local authority, identifies employers who are not taking action to comply with the relevant public health legislation and guidance to control public health risks,
they will consider taking a range of actions to improve control of workplace risks. For example, this would cover employers not taking appropriate action to socially distance, where possible.
The actions the HSE can take include the provision of specific advice to employers through to issuing enforcement notices to help secure improvements.
Employers should carry out an assessment of the risks posed by COVID-19 in the workplace as soon as possible.